Houston Electron Microscopy

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Scanning Electron Microscopy Services
Backscattered Imaging

Backscattered Electron or BSE imaging is the atomic number (z) contrast imaging where low (Z) elements appear darker and higher elements appear lighter. In other words, backscattered electrons are used to detect contrast between areas with different chemical compositions. At times, better imaging can be achieved with the BSE than with secondary electron imaging.

In addition to the standard Secondary Electron imaging, Houston Electron Microscopy also offers 3-modes of Backscattered Electron imaging in high or low vacuum modes at 4.0 nm resolution:

Compo: Atomic number contrast imaging. Lighter elements appear darker while heavier elements appear brighter.
Topo: Surface topography imaging similar to Secondary Electron imaging
Shadow: Combination of Compo & Topo with illumination from the right side.

Scanning Electron Microscopy

Houston Electron Microscopy, Inc. is equipped with JEOL JSM-6360LV Scanning Electron Microscope, a fully digital Scanning Electron Microscope, capable of usable magnifications of up to 100,000 times in Secondary Imaging mode with 3.0-nm resolution for topographic imaging.


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Houston Electron Microscopy
281-888-4261 or 281-704-0188

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